Friday, June 27, 2008


Advertising Effects

Please, watch the video and follow the steps

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Friday, June 13, 2008

Global Communication and Its Limitations

According to Wisemen he stated that, "what is different about the modern process of globalization is the extent to which time and space have been compresses by new information, communication and transportation technologies (1998).

Many people confuse the concept of global communication with that of international communications. It is true that it is not easy to distinguish, however, I will try to explain the concept of global communications to clarify it.

To start with we can define global communication as the process of sending and receving information on a world wide scale. People have been communicating on a world wide scale for centuries. Neverthless, we need to ask ourselves how did we come to this concept of global communication. The simple and obvious response is ofcoarse, through technology. If we did not have the advent of the newspaper, radio, TV, and most important of all is the Internet, then the world would have never been globalized in first place. So the idea here is that it is only through these technologies that there is GLOBAL COMMUNICATION.

For instance, global markets now have the option to produce less expensive products, the ability to access other people on the other end of the world, new sources of finance and income, and access to new sources of technology. One pure example of this is the Internet which has dramtically altered the world in the last decade. This "miracle" has made our lives easier than that of our grandparents.

As much does Global Communications has positive aspects it does have some limitations to it. The primary limitation to this concept is the control of global information and communication by transnational corporations. Government monopolies still control a huge portion of the world's telecommunication and airwaves flows. Another limitation is the the control of information and communication by online companies. An example of this can be when people sometimes serf on some websites they ask you for certain information such as name and email. These companies are paid for this to get the "immense corporations" information in order to target its audience. Which in most of the times can be annoying and deceiving.

To conclude, global communication is a positive advent but at the same time destroys the code of human intimacy and privacy.


Al Jazeera Broadcasting Fasle News:

Since we were discussing one of the hottest topics about Al Jazeera and whether it is supposed to broadcast news about Morocco that can ruin its image, here I have read about an article in which one of Al Jazeera's reporters and another reporter were accused of broadcasting false news. The Ministry of Communication was the one to claim that what was broadcasted was false. However, we should be aware that Al Jazeera started broadcasting Maghreb news from Rabat on November 2006, but it still does not have an official authorization it has a temporary permission,
However, we should not forget that Al Jazeera falls under the category of Liberitarians and therefore believes that it has the right to broadcast all the news that is going on in order to reveal the hidden reality. Therefore, Al Jazeera does this by using the concept of priming and framing news. By priming we can see that it tries to cover news that will move the people's PATHOS in order for the audience to feel more involved and attracted to what Al Jazeera broadcasts. Framing is also vital and again we can say that Al Jazeera tries to frame the stories in the way people would want to hear and view them.

Drawing a Bead on Global Communication Theories

Normative Theories:

- One of the most important books is called Four Theories of the Press discusses the media internationally

-The book talks about how the world's various media systems can be grouped into four categories

-Social Responsibilty


-It justifies advance censorship and punishment for deviation

-The theory was used in dictatoial regimes, under conditions of military rules.

-It is designed to protect the social order and its agents.


-It refers to the idea that the press should be a free marketplace of ideas in which tge best would be recognized the and the worst fails.

-There should be freedom of opinion, speech, religion and assembly


- Assigned the media a role as collective agitator, propagandist and educator in the building of communism

-Did not favor free expression, but it did propose a positive role for the media in society and in the world

Social Responsibility Thoery:

-Proposed that media ownership and operation are a form of public trust

- For the private media this theory has been expressed and applied mainly in the form of codes of proffesional journalistic standards, ethics, and conduct for dealing with individual complaints.

-We can say that it ws done for self-regulation

Important Media Concepts

Media Coverage

- The news that the media plan to talk and report about in their news.


- Is enhancing the effects of media by offering the audience a prior context- a context that will be used to interpret a subsequent communciation.

-The media is used to serve the audience with standards and frames of reference.

-Priming explains whether soemthing is good or bad or whether it was effectively communicated or not.


-Refers to the way media and media gatekeepers organize and present the events and issuer they cover.

-And the way the audience interprets what they are provided with.

-Frames are abstarct notions that serve to organize social meanings.

-Framing influences the perception of the news of the audience.


-The idea of having the media report on heavy shocking values.

-It can also be considered ad a theatre or drama as to attarct the audience's attention.

-For instance what happened on 9/11 can be considered as using sensationlism due to the diverse interpretation that the media made.

Media Biased

-Describes the real or perceivrd bias of journalists and news producers withing the mass media in the selection of which events will be presented..

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Freedom of Press

Is there really Freedom of Press In Morocco???
For more information please visit:

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Historical Paths of Global Communication

"Societies have always been Shaped more by the Nature of the Media by which men Communicate by the the Content of Communication" (McLuhan)

Geographical Space: A Barrier to Communication

-3000 years ago, people communicated across long distances through many mediums

-Physical space is no longer a problem for human interaction in inernational communication

-Communication history is not just having new technologies, but it invloves matters about how these technologies were able to rise from sophisticated social conditions and transform them into

- With faster communication, social and politican development happened at the margins of technology and idealogy

Geography and the Mythical World

-People long time ago struggled and lived a complexed life in terms of communications compared to that of now days.
-Europeans believed that India and Africa were places where pygamies fought with storks and foreign places were believed to be weird

-People thought that other places were filled of cannibals and weird creatures that fought and killed each otehr constantly

-However, these people concentrated on arts and drawings on caves which when studied now, reveals that they communicate a certain message

Global Explorers: Migrants, Holy People, Merchants

-For ancient societies in Europe, Migration was a way of life

-Improvement of farming tachniques allowed nomadic groups to travel, inless they were confronted by diseases

-People from the east travelled in ships in order to exchange and sell goods and to discover new places

Mapmakers in the Medieval World

-Mapmaking was an integral part of communication history

-Maps were unlocking keys to discover the unknown worlds
-They were so secretive and unceratin and that it why Columbus ended up elsewhere

-Maps served for, pilgrimages, maritime navigation, and military and administrative uses

-However, as much of help maps were they also had negative effects because other were able to come and conquer weaker places and take over them

The Printing Press, Literacy, and the Knowledge Explosion

-Throughout the Middel Ages, clerics were among the few literate people that were engaged in any task requiring writing

-The complexity and diversity of the intellectual and cultural life created a marketplace of infromation, stimulating the spread of literacy in Europe after the development of the printing press

- The press became important especially after the sucess of Gutenberg's effort to print Bibles for the sue of local church

-The social consequences of the printing press were far reeaching, and grdually encouraging the practice of reading among common people and the reformation of medieval European institutions, religions, and governments

-The postal service was also an innovation patterned after older courier and messanger systems

Scientists and International Networks

- Technological innovations in travel and the changing role of international science in the mid 19th C brought far-reaching changes in realtions between nations

-Telegraph in 1844 was a breakthrough in the longstanding confusion over development of two-way information exchange

-Starting with the railroad and the telegraph, towns and cities were brought closer together within a nation

-Because of the strategic importance of communication for military and diplomatic purposes, communication between nations was regarded in most 19th century politican circles
-One of the earliest significant steps towards globalizing the world was adoption of a global system